Too Faced Melted Chocolate Swatches: Chocolate Bon Bons Eyeshadow Palette & Melted Lipstick - Organic Skin Care Blog – Product Reviews & Healthy Skin

29 Şubat 2016 Pazartesi

Too Faced Melted Chocolate Swatches: Chocolate Bon Bons Eyeshadow Palette & Melted Lipstick

Too Faced's Melted Chocolate collection, consisting of the Chocolate Bon Bons Eyeshadow Palette and 6 shades of Melted Lipstick, is coming to Singapore in March. In the run up to that, I've got swatches of both the eyeshadow palette as well as the Melted Lipstick, and I'm so excited!

Too Faced Melted Chocolate Makeup Collection

The "Melted Chocolate" theme is pretty obvious with the products - the Melted Lipsticks are all varying shades of brown, in a very Kylie Jenner lips-esque sort of way, and the palette smells of chocolate, which is to say, it smells very yummy. In general, the quality of the collection also holds up very well for Too Faced - it's pretty similar quality-wise to their existing Melted Lipsticks and eyeshadow palettes, which is to say, it's pretty good.
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